Do You Feel Stressed or Frustrated About Your Sales?

Do You Feel Stressed or Frustrated About Your Sales?

Introducing An Automated All-In-One Marketing and Sales System To Sell Your Offers On Auto-Pilot

No More Hours Wasted on Sales Calls or Outreach!


Introducing An AutomatedĀ All-In-One Marketing and Sales and Sales System To Sell Your Offers On Auto-Pilot

No More Hours Wasted on Sales Calls or Outreach!


A Growth Strategy That HelpsĀ You

Work Less While Earning More.

Building funnels means earning passive income via automated sales,
meaning you have your own Sales Representative working for you 24/7.


A Growth Strategy That HelpsĀ You

Work Less While Earning More.

Building funnels means earning passive income via automated sales,
meaning you have your own Sales Representative working for you 24/7.


For Solopreneurs WithoutĀ A Sales Team, Finding New Clients Can FeelĀ Stressful AndĀ Daunting

If you don't have 10k monthly to invest in ads or love the idea of spending 20+ hours cold-calling prospects.

This is The Automated Sales Solution You Have Been Searching For

Stop the rollercoaster of worrying about and chasing monthly revenue and instead,Ā set up a reliable methodĀ to sell your offers on autopilot while you focus on things that matter and that you enjoy.


The 8-Week Business Accelerator To Automate Your Business Growth!

How does it sound to set up systems that run on their own, bringing you new inbound clients with little to no involvement needed from you? Build, test, launch, tweak, and watch your income grow!

Learn one easy system to automate your sales and client acquisition Build irresistible offers that your ideal clients will love Take the hassle out of setting up your tech and save thousands of dollars from learning from or hiring multiple people to help you build out your 3-step funnel

What You Will Learn In This Program Is The Equivalent Of Multiple Other Programs


Lead Magnets Clients Actually Want


Easy Yes + Honeymoon Nurture


Mid-Level Offers + Micro Commitments


Signature Offers, High-Ticket, and Upgrades

What Can You Expect After ZEN LAUNCH?

What Can You Expect


Landing Pages That Convert!

Learn the secrets of building a landing page that sells so youĀ can get leads effortlessly into your pipelines.

Copy and Video to Build Trust!

Crash course in sales copy, content strategy, and email marketing via automated nurture sequences to build loyalty.

Offers Your Customers Will Love!

Working our way up the value ladder system, we'll discuss upsells, checkout squeeze, andĀ perfect pricing that converts.

Reclaim Your LifeĀ 

Automate your marketing and sales so you can spend more time doing the things that matter while your funnels sell for you 24/7

Hi, there


After building my own startup from zero to 8- figures as a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and 20+ yr in marketing, I have the answers you seek (and the battle scars to prove it). Come coach with me, and I'll get you back on the right track, with a clear plan to drive business and peace of mind that you will never struggle again.Ā  Ā 

I design programs perfect for small business owners to learn a non-spammy approach to selling that operates as their 24/7 Sales Representative.


After building my own startup from zero to 8- figures as a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and 20+ yr in marketing, I have the answers you seek (and the battle scars to prove it). Come coach with me, and I'll get you back on the right track, with a clear plan to drive business and peace of mind that you will never struggle again.Ā  Ā 

I design programs perfect for small business owners to learn a non-spammy approach to selling that operates as their 24/7 Sales Representative.



Who Should Join?

  • You are serious about growing your brand and/or your business
  • You are seeking a monetization strategy to launch and sell your services
  • If you are generating under one million annual recurring revenue, this is the program for you.
  • You want a solution that is easy to follow that doesnā€™t require too much of your time and can be implemented without having to hire a whole team (only maybe some help)

You belong inĀ Zen Launch!

Who Should Not Join?

  • I hate to waste my time and the time of others. So I'll tell you that you are not a good fit if..
  • You can't commit to 1 hour per week.
  • You are enrolled in twenty different programs (shiny object)
  • You are a know-it-all who has a history of taking multiple programs and then not doing the work and joining another program (hopper)
  • You have a scarcity mindset of negativity, fear, and excuses

This program is NOT a good fit!

Karen Falkenberg, Health Coach:

ā€œThe Funnel Bootcamp (now Zen Launch) was hands on, well led, informative, and applicable to my business. I havenā€™t yet done my email sequences and automations. I conceptually get the ideas but need to learn the steps. Once I learn this super important skill, Iā€™ll have one more major learning under my belt and will be able to make more funnels.ā€

Peter Willekens, Fractional COO:

ā€œThe email flow and the calendar was my favorite part of the Funnel Bootcamp / Zen Launch. I have now a good insight on how it works. I was lacking that. I cannot think of any improvements, it was great!ā€

Emily Belayev, International Lifestyle Consultant:

ā€œThe Funnel Bootcamp / Zen Launch gave me the knowledge and full overall picture of how to build a system with different online offers/products, automation of the email campaigns, and more. When completing all parts of the Funnel, I will be better equipped to attract, nurture and keep connections with my clients and prospects.ā€

Vicki Oā€™Neill, Video Coach:

ā€œWhat I loved most about The Funnel Bootcamp / Zen Launch was learning about the email sequences. Those are the key to engagement, conversion and longevity. Iā€™m excited about launching monthly offers that have follow up offers...Making more $$!ā€



Module #1

Understanding Funnels and How They Are the Secret to Making You A Millionnaire (With Different Industry Examples)

If you look at every 7-, 8, and 9-figure business closely, you will conclude they have all mastered the art of online sales. Because it doesn't matter if you have a brick-and-mortar location or 100% in-person services, the COVID pandemic showed that only those who have a digital funnel strategy can survive in any economy. Why risk it?

Module #2

Designing Your Perfect Custom Funnel

While the general components of a funnel are similar, this is where we need to discuss how to customize them for your audience and your offers. In Week 2, we will help you design the perfect funnel for your ideal customer and your personal preferences so you end up with a funnel you (and your customers) love!

Module #3

Building Your High-Converting Funnel (Stress-Free Tech Set Up)

This is the week we will cover all things Tech. I'll share with you all the options you have from free to inexpensive to the Cadillac package. Pick what is right for you based on where you are at and your Tech comfort levels, budget, etc.

Module #4

Building Your High-Converting Funnel (Top of Funnel)

In Week 4, we will cover your lead magnets. No business owner can get by without them, but they keep evolving year after year, so we must discuss what is working now.

Module #5

Pitching Your Lead Magnet (Hot Seats!)

Week 5 is my favorite part: Hot Seats. Show us your lead magnets! Gain valuable feedback from the other boot campers to make a lead magnet that sells like hot cakes.

Module #6

Building Your High-Converting Funnel (Mid-Funnel)

Lead nurture is the glue that drives your ideal customers through your funnels. Even if you have a great lead magnet, what happens next is critical. Move your prospects through your funnel.

Module #7

Building Your High Converting Funnel (Bottom of Funnel)

In Week 7, we are going to cover the best options to close your sales. After being a business owner for 20+ years and building an 8-figure agency, I can teach you a few good tips about selling. Best of all, these strategies do not require sales calls or sleazy tactics.

Module #8

Launching Your Funnel (Both Live and Evergreen Options) +Next Steps

It is time...for tears of joy. The moment of truth has come. Time to launch your "baby" into the world. This is the part where we will give you all the best advice, troubleshooting, support, and final tips. You are officially launched! Plus, we will discuss how you can continue to receive support via other Academy offers.

What's IncludedĀ Bonus

What's IncludedĀ Bonus

VIP Bonus #1

Zen Lead Nurture

Nurturing leads is the secret to building
an amazingpipeline but few know how to
do it right.Ā 

Where to find your leads

Lead nurture strategies

The biggest lead nurture mistakes

Life-time access to all materials

VALUE: $300 for Free!

Vip Bonus #1

Zen Lead Nurture

Nurturing leads is the secret to building
an amazingpipeline but few know how to
do it right.Ā 

Where to find your leads

Lead nurture strategies

The biggest lead nurture mistakes

Life-time access to all materials

VALUE: $300 for Free!

VIP Bonus #2

Zen Copy

Confused customers don't buy. If I keep saying different messaging, I won't understand exactly what you do. And even if it is clear, you still aren't sales-ready because you need to stand out!Ā 

You will leave with a Brand Charter to use going forward to keep your messaging on-brand!

Life-time access to all materials

VALUE: $300 for Free!

Check out

All The Value Included

whenĀ you Join Today, you get:

Check out

All The Value Included

whenĀ you Join Today, you get:

āœ…Ā Bonus Nurture Your Leads Masterclass (Value: $300)

āœ… BonusĀ Perfect Client Messaging Masterclass (Value:$300)

āœ… Lifetime Access to All The MaterialsĀ (Value: Priceless)

āœ… Private Entrepreneur Community (Value: Priceless)


OurĀ Discounted Price For You:Ā $5,000 TOTAL

Or maybeĀ youĀ prefer to come for 100% free?Ā Apply to our 6-Month Mentorship,Ā The Solopreneur MBA.

Please don't let the finances hold you back from investing in building the business of your dreams. When you build a high-performing funnel, you will quickly earn back your full investment, usually on your first launch.

Instant Access - On Demand $1999

āœ…Ā Bonus Nurture Your Leads Masterclass (Value: $300)

āœ… BonusĀ Perfect Client Messaging Masterclass (Value:$300)

āœ… Lifetime Access to All The MaterialsĀ (Value: Priceless)

āœ… Private Entrepreneur Community (Value: Priceless)


OurĀ Discounted Price For You:Ā $1,999 TOTAL

Or maybeĀ youĀ need more pay flexibility? No worries, we have you covered!

Please don't let the finances hold you back from investing in building the business of your dreams. When you build a high-performing funnel, you will quickly earn back your full investment, usually on your first launch.

Instant Access - On Demand $1999
Dave Buck, Post-Work Productivity and Lifestyle Coach:

ā€œThe Funnel Bootcamp / Zen Launch was hard because I still need to develop so much but I really enjoyed the structure of interaction with the other participants and learning from them. I am really excited to get into some consistency in process and getting to a more predictable rhythm of holding current and nurturing new customers.ā€

DeeJae DuRante, Livestreaming Expert:

ā€œI really enjoyed the homework with handouts (and recordings) with specific tasks to be done by next meeting to cover the actual work completed! This kept a good actionable pace and Krista provided feedback on work done. It sets expectation of next step. I canā€™t wait to build lots of great and effective funnels!

Frequently AskedĀ Questions

Frequently AskedĀ Questions