Free Masterclass

Are You Ready To Launch, Grow, and Scale Your Business?


From The Earliest Stages of Setting Up Your Consulting,  Coaching, or Services Business To Scaling to Millions, The Academy Is Designed To Guide Small Business Owners Through The Steps To Grow



We Want Every Small Business To:


Find The Best Clients

Get Paid Good Rates

Learn Time Management

Scale Without Burnout

Market One's Business

Hire Good Help

Build Passive Income

Feel Confident About Launching New Services or Products

Feel Happy In Their Business



We Know Building A Successful Business Is Hard Work So We Created The Academy To Support Small Business Owners


50% of small businesses fail in the first five years 

Your Investment into Your Business Success Is The Only Way To Win. 

Don't become a statistic.

Don't try to DIY things, overwork, and ultimately act like an employee in your own business. 


Can you leave on vacation and know the business will still thrive?



Business Programs And Services To Accommodate You At Each Stage Of Growth


Apply to one of our programs inside the Academy to learn how to set up business systems that allow you to take more time off while growing your business almost on auto-pilot.


We will teach you better business, marketing, and sales systems,  strategies, and tools to a healthy 6 figures and beyond with being supported by a business mentor and peers.


Why You Should You Build A Profitable Business?
  • Earn passive income that keeps coming in even while you’re on vacation.
  • Retire early without giving up the comforts you’ve worked hard for.
  • Leave a legacy of wealth behind for your children.
  • Diversify your income, so you don’t become overly dependant on a few clients or one offer.
  • Live the financially free life you’ve always dreamed of.


Yes, It Really Is Possible!

Inside The Academy, you’ll learn how to finally control your business growth so you can stop worrying and start thriving.

We can teach you all the skills and the mindset you need to scale your solo business, all while being surrounded by a supportive community of like-minded go-getters laser-focused on their success.


From Zero 2 Six Academy

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Are You Ready To Take Control of Your Financial Future And Build A Business That You Love?

The ACADEMY will teach you everything you need to know to get off the hustle hamster wheel and build a business that sustains you without controlling you. You’ll learn how to:

  • Build a brand others queue up to work with
  • Charge premium rates and build recurring income with upsells
  • Bullet-proof yourself from recession
  • Work less hours while increasing your income
  • Grow to 7 figures without employees (unless you wish to hire them)
  • Have free time while earning passive income

Visualize: Gain Clarity In Your Business Goals And Develop A Success Mindset

  • Develop a success mindset and discipline (exactly like an athlete) to find the courage to commit to your future self, to aim higher, step outside your comfort zone, and take business risks
  • Define your business goals and write your lean business plan

You’ll finish this module with a complete picture of what you want to achieve in your business over the next 6 -12 months (and bigger vision) and the right attitude to be able to do it.


Strategize: Use Your Time Effectively To Focus On The Right Business Activities

With your business and life goals all set, the next step is to understand how to discern where to focus. In this lesson, you’ll learn:

  • The OKR system that Google used to build their company success
  • Time Management hacks to know how to plan your week productively and avoid shiny objects and outsource or delegate tasks outside your Zone of Genius
  • Use your Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to run your business more efficiently.

You’ll finish this module knowing when to say 'Yes' or 'No' to various engagements and working on your business, not being an employee in it.


Monetize: Earning Income (Passive and Active) + Healthy Money Mindset

The secret to building wealth is to stop trading your time for money and instead, to practice value-based pricing. In this module, you’ll learn:

  • How to develop a money mindset
  • How to diversify your revenue and build passive income
  • The best revenue streams for solopreneurs

You’ll finish this Module with your business income and profit growth plan for the next 3 years.


Advertise: Building Your Marketing Powerhouse

Marketing doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. In this module, you’ll learn:

  • Marketing systems for solopreneurs
  • How to grow the right B2B audience
  • How to set a marketing budget and outsource  tasks to contractors
  • The best marketing tools for solopreneurs

You’ll finish this Module with a solid marketing plan and confidence you know what to do to drive new business.


Zen Launch

Evergreen and live launches are the big money makers. In this module, you’ll learn:

  • The components of a good funnel
  • How to build each component
  • How to set up your tech and automate processes
  • Upsells and downsells
  • Many hands-on launch examples!

This course will teach everything you need to have a profitable launch.

Note: This funnel system works with course launches, 1:1 coaching, group programs, and book launches. 


Scale: How To Grow Your Business Long-Term

Sales is the lifeblood of your business. In this course, you’ll learn:

  • My Social Selling system
  • My favorite Sales CRM tools
  • Your Sales assets
  • Handling objections

Learn how to get comfortable with selling in a values-driven, non-spammy way.

Join Our Academy If...

  • You are not at the level you desire in your business
  • You aren’t sure when you can take a vacation without your income dropping or business suffering
  • You don’t have enough recurring passive revenue
  • You are actively working more than 30 hours per week to pay your bills
  • You want to leave a legacy for your children

In The Next 6 Months, You Could…

  • Have multiple revenue stream types, offers, and products ready to sell
  • Have stable and steadily growing business revenue
  • Be generating passive income
  • Grow your business brand into a highly sought-after service

The right business systems and strategies will make all the difference.

Focus on the right things in the right order to grow.

We’ll cover it all inside the Academy.



I'm Krista Mollion

At 22, I had things all figured out. Highly ambitious, I was going to work my way up the corporate ladder to a very senior role in a leading Silicon Valley tech company. Until after about 3 years in corporate, I realised I was much better suited for entrepreneurship myself. I quit and never looked back.



With two partners, we built from scratch and zero funding to a thriving boutique agency, Transparent House, with 4 offices and 8 figure revenue. AdAge called our agency "atmosphere magicians" and we had Apple as a full-time client for 8+ years. Sold in 2017. I am all business and unlike many "coaches", I actually have a legit and verifiable business background.

I built FROM ZERO 2 SIX ACADEMY to help others enjoy the time and financial freedom self-employment can deliver.

"Here's what I found out by working with Krista: she delivers beyond what she promises. If you want someone who's real, honest and takes a no-BS approach to helping you get results, then hire Krista. You won't be disappointed."

- Vicki O'Neill

"Krista is passionate and teaches the skills to help you pay the bills! She got it all covered and helps you do the same.

She is a ROCK STAR 🌟 Krista will definitely take you to the next level!"

- Deejae DuRante

"Krista takes the time to get to know your business and to give solid advice once she understands who you are, what your business is, and what steps you need to take. If you want someone to help you and your business, you want to choose the right woman for the job right? You want someone who helps you make intelligent choices. You want Krista. "

- Peter Willekens


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-Episodes from our podcast, Self Made Stories, where we cover the entrepreneurial journey via raw, unfiltered conversations with successful small business CEOs  around the million-dollar question: "How did you achieve that?"

-Blog Articles From Our Newsletter, Unignorable Brands, where we share tips for bootstrapped startup founders and small business owners how to grow your business into a money-making machine.

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