Being a Solopreneur Is Lonely. Welcome to The Learning. Support. Social. Community Created Just For You. 


Freelancers, Designers, Creatives, Side Hustlers, Coaches, Consultants, and Aspiring Entrepreneurs Are Welcome 
Join The Most Amazing Community

Learn  Effective and Simple Content Marketing Strategies Designed for the Busy Solopreneur Looking to Build a Strong Brand


Attract amazing clients only and turn them into raving fans


Become the known and trusted 'go to' expert in your field


Set up your premium media channel to grow your email list and subscriber accounts on autopilot

Are You Tired Of..?

  • Posting and hearing crickets
  • Struggling to get any likes on your posts
  •  Feeling stressed about what to post
  • Sometimes feeling burnt out from all the effort without the ROI

Are You Ready for..?

  • Steady growth
  • High-quality followers
  •  A stress-free content system that delivers leads
  •  Funnels that convert
  • Abandon the sales calls
  • Better forecast your income

Who Should Join

You Are a... 

Professionally-Speaking. Coach, Consultant, Subject-Matter Expert, Blogger, Podcaster, Influencer, Solopreneur, Freelancer, Side Hustler, Dreamer Who Wants to Become a Known Industry Thought Leader

Goal-Wise. You have a mission, and you want to spread it wide and far.

Personality-wise. You love what you do and are good at it. You want to teach others. You put people first. You are a giver. The ideal member is driven, disciplined, and will not give up until they reach their goals.

Time-wise. You are someone who puts their time towards their goals, a doer, not only a talker. Input = output.

You Are NOT a... 

Professionally-Speaking. Not  interested in becoming a known Industry thought leader.

Goal-Wise.You just want quick riches. Your goal is to get as much money out of others as possible while putting in as little work as possible. You chase vanity metrics to “show off” or “feel cool”.

Personality-wise. You don't really care about your profession or audience but are just looking for profits. 

Time-Wise. You join programs right and left then don't participate or get any value out of them. No Efforts = No Results


Why Should I Learn With You?


Hi, I'm Krista Mollion!

I'm an ex-agency owner turned Fractional CMO. I founded From Zero 2 Six Academy to help early-stage entrepreneurs get all the information, support, and help to grow their businesses. It is my mission to make entrepreneurship accessible to all and help more people achieve time and financial freedom.

How Am I Qualified To Help You? 

-I built an 8-figure agency with zero funding
-I built a 7-figure consultancy with zero funding
-I am building the Academy with zero funding
-I have been working in B2B Marketing for 22 years 

Inside the Academy, I will share with you all that I know about growing a profitable business.

Entrepreneurship Is Lonely But It Doesn't Have To Be!


Join The Most Amazing Community

What Is Included

By joining our Profitable Solopreneur Membership, you'll unlock:

  •  Monthly community support calls
  • Access to our member-only private forum for safe and secure conversations
  • Live calls with guest experts each month
  • Live marketing masterclasses covering SEO, LinkedIn, Content Batching, AI, Storytelling, and many more topics
  • Hundreds of hours of on-demand curriculum to build a killer personal + business brand tailored specifically to the needs of a solopreneur
  • A member directory for business networking and support
  • Exclusive member discounts and special offers
  • Five revenue stream masterclasses so you can make money online designed for solopreneurs without gimmicks
  • Four challenges per year to edu-tain you and keep your motivation high
  • Direct access to Krista, your business growth coach

The Outcomes You Can Expect

Learn a marketing system you can apply immediately to your solopreneur business to grow your thought leadership, produce better content, remove the stress from social media, and more.

All About The Program Value 

Profitable Solopreneur Community Access $20,000

Five Revenue Streams Masterclasses $3,500

Four VIP Challenges Per year $800

Private Community Forum Access $800

Valuable Discounts on Products and Services, Including Member-Only Offers Priceless


Join The Only Entrepreneur Community You Need To Reach The Next Level In Your Business

Join The Most Amazing Community

Some Praise From Happy Members


Earnings Disclaimer
You understand and agree that our products, programs, and services are intended to provide information and education to assist you in attaining your goals.
You understand and agree that your success depends entirely on your business experience, motivation, and individual capacity. There are no guarantees of any kind as to your earnings and income.
The information provided is not intended to replace financial or legal advice.
You should consult with an attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor in your area who understands your particular business and financial situation so that you can take the right steps for you and your business or finances.